Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Feeling

Okay, I'm not gonna lie to you guys I totally just forgot blogspot existed. there has just been a shitload of things happening in my life , but blogging it all down wasn't a priority. so where should i start? what about that talent show KMZ entered way back when... well we didn't win but we were happy with the overall final production and are now moving on to bigger better things... for right now check out the white sheep on youtube for a hilarious youtube poop and an awesome sentence mixing song....ok so what else besides KMZ? Well it's spring term in my school the notoriously easy term and so far its a breeze. however there's nothing obscenely new, I've just got this renewed feeling for life i guess which i can't really explain. but i'm not locking myself down from he world like i used to... but i dunno... Krimsonnet's back again...

KN, flow into the stream of shadows...


Saturday, January 31, 2009

KMZ promotional video

ok guys so here's the deal... we're not on youtube yet but i'm putting this piece of our first project on my blog just to give you guys a taste. There's this thing going on at my school and we decidecd to capitalize on it for further promotion reasons.... it's a freshmen class talent show which explains the little ending part. but yeah check out the video it's pretty cool. classic chase through the city.

also just sayingi really don't deserve that head slacker crap but still it's part of the promo i was the one that found all the sound effects and did the voice acting for "LOOK A HELICOPTER".

Hyden did the cop and the credits explain what else my friends did.

KN flow into the stream of shadows...


Monday, January 19, 2009


ok if u didn't kno how you can comment on any one of the posts by clicking on the comments link at the bottom of each post then unless ur the slowest person on earth u shuld be able to figure out how to type what u wanna say

KN, floow into the stream of shadows...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

KMZ and other stuff

ok so update on life... nothing much winter term started which is ok so far, nothing spectacular but it's okay. So far in the term me and two of my friends Hyden and Jordan have decided to start a youtube/ animation/ comedy group which will be posting videos on youtube under the name of Kamikaze Productions. pretty sweet huh? yeah so i'm counting on all of you KN viewers to view some awesome videos when they're posted... i will anounce when the first one is up but we also plan to make a seperate blogspot for KMZ (Kamikaze Productions) itself.

Switching gears febuary is almost here and you past KN readers already know i hate it with a burning passion! couples get together, breakups hurt the most, and denials are around every corner. point is Febuary is associated with love which makes me siccckkkk!!!! i mean already i've been seeing like people going around Andover's campus and just making out like everywhere!!! i saw like 4 in one day... it's madness... anyways i'm glad that V-day (valentines day) is still pretty ditant but Blue and Silver is next saturday and still no date but whatever

KN, Flow into the stream of shadows...


Sunday, January 4, 2009

still alive...

okay a bit of a gap... i was stuck without internet for a long time and didn't get around to writing so yea... well it's 2009 now a new year, but same old shit... i kno ppl say u gotta give it time but this year is gonna turn out the same, one year doesn't change anything. I'm starting boarding skool again tm... the notoriously short winter term... great. it's freezing up here in MA and everything is covered in snow...more than the usual city 2 inches it's like 5 or 6 up here. oh and if u guys were wondering winter break sucked so i'm not even gonna talk about it. Glen's party was pretty cool otherwise...-_- i'm just living...

soooo uh polls!!! uh i've realized that people other than the ones i kno directly are comment on the blog which is cool so i guess the whole NY or MA poll was invalid... but everyone seems to be pretty curious in wat's goin on with this blog... keep checkin in i swear soon good things will come...........not this post though...

KN, flow into the stream of shadows


Monday, December 15, 2008

welcome back

ugh wow back in NY again and i can tell this winter break is gonna be great!!! (italics=sarcasm).
so yea bus ride back on fri was amazing!!! first we had to wait in the cold an extra 15 mins. for the bus back which was great cuz i barely had anything on a couple of sweaters does nothing against Mass. weather... then the ride OMG can u say boring 100 times while driving 2 million nails through ur head cuz that's what i was doing on that bus... first really loud bad music, then really loud movie i've seen like 20 times (the matrix), then blinding sun for like 10 mins, then actually pretty cool sunset and cloud sky then sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep then an actually pretty cool convo with a few friends we were all pretty high haha we made the most retarded comments and laughed our hearts out but that's wat u do wen ur desperate for a good time... yea and then we got dumped off in manhattan with our folks but get this since mass is apparently really far from NY (not) it took the bus driver 7 HOURS to get us back can u believe that from 3 to like 10 SEVEN HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess that's wat i get 4 going to boarding skool w/e

then the next day one of the best parties ever! oh yes the prep dance that nobody went to just another source of my boredom i don't even wanna talk abbout that on here at least! if u really wanna kno u can im me on aim (bluesteel032 for te ppl who don't have it).

Then today JEEZUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY EFFING PARENTS DENIED ME FROM GOING TO MANHATTAN TO SEE SUM FRIENDS (kita, sam, and football crew) TO GO SEE MY EFFING AUNT JEEEEEEZ!!!!! I MEAN I LOVE MY FAMILY BUT I WANNA NOT BE BOTHERED WIT THEM UNTIL XMAS (which is gonna suck no gifts 4 me i think)

well enough ranting from me... info time........ uh wait........ here it comes..... oh forget it i hav none yet ok r u all happy i said it hahaha anyways guys comment on this one feed me intel i will cite my sources....

KN, flow into the stream of shadows...


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sadness and Sorrow

oh boy today was depressing for no reason! woke up becuz of dad which was alright i mean sure my cell has the most obnoxious ring ever but it's all good cuz i woke up at like 9:30, but wen i hung up i got this like really weird like cold flash and then like a 5 minute head ache and i was like this day is gonna be shit!!!! ugh then lunch was shit like almost all the food here, math final easy i guess, then library to attempt to hav fun, didn't work, shitty dinner, back to dorm, where i sat in my emo excuse for a room on facebook listening to armor for sleep, and now i'm pissed off cuz i cut myself with the window shade wen i was trying to close it... and no not my wrists u dickheads my arm ok, chalk up another scar with a stupid background...

anyway NYC bus ride tm wooohoooo...not! gonna be on a bus from 3pm to 9pm... wait wat???? that's 2 more hours than it normally takes a normal person to get from NY to Andover, MA!!!!!!! oh well at least i'm going home no intel on much yet...midnight new year's party at glen's place that's it ask him for details...

Also all of my Naruto ppls get the refrence to the title of this post... yea, inspiration, good stuff!

anyways that's good 4 now
Krimson Net, flow into the stream of shadows
