School was also wow today. most of the class was on target and wound up going to watch The bridge to Terrabithia as an award, but seriously what kind of reward was that?!? at least show something good. and through out the whole movie A was being A with all of his retarded annoying comments. he was saying the movie should be The Bridge to Mexico. A should kill him. Speaking of A he tried to take me on today in the cafeteria b4 homeroom. I won by grabing him by the neck and throwing him into the lunch tables, lol that's pretty mean lol. i got a witness too just ask D, but seriously no hard feelings right A lol! And in spanish ms. richards was absent... again! mr. warnock came in and did some logic problems with us which mad me feel really really stupid, like i was a brain-dead zombie or something. at least i answered one correctly. and that's really it.
"You can have everything in life that you want if you just give enough to other people what they want."
Simple Plan's new album came out today!
Radiohead is coming out with a new album called lowdown on march 18th
not like them came out with their album not like them today.
and this one is hilarious, the world of warcraft servers broke down because of too many players and when the problem was fixed all of the players came on again at the same time causing another crash lol.
hahahaha A really is crazy. bridge to mexico? hahaha. and those guys playin world of warcraft are such computer geeks. i hope the servers get permanently shut down! check this sight our for something good
hey my site isn't for advertising kingdre!!! lol jk
and to insanegears, i agree.
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